Spirit of Kinder

The humble embroidered patch has played many important cultural roles throughout history, stitched onto clothing worn by cub scouts, military, bikers and street gangs. Celebrating special occasions, pop culture and political campaigns. They represent our identity, achievements, experience, beliefs and values. 

We curated this project as a creative response to the Spirit of Kinder annual event, and also to commemorate the Mass Trespass of Kinder Scout in 1932, its history and natural heritage. These colourful portable icons encapsulated the views and voices of over 80 local people living in and around Kinder Scout, focusing on the connections they have with its landscape. 

A limited edition production of five bespoke back-pack patches themed around LOVE, ACCESS, VOICE, DISCOVERY and CARE were produced, these designs were also reproduced onto five large flags and performed part of a proud pilgrimage celebration.